
How to Use Sin Cos Tan on Iphone

How to Use Sin Cos Tan on Iphone

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The iPhone Scientific  	Calculator

The iPhone Scientific Calculator is a widely-used calculator App (click here to see our fully functional online version), which was first lauched by Apple in 2007 as part of their operating system for iPhones and other smart devices and has been developed continuously ever since.

The App is basically 2 calculators in 1: a simple 4-function calculator that can be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and a fully functional scientific calculator that can be used for trigonometric calculations, logarithms, square roots, and percentages.

Using the Calculator

This calculator can be used like a normal calculator.

When you click the main function buttons, the button is highlighted to show the operation to be performed. The highlight on the opened round bracket will stay on until all parenthesis expressions are completed.

This calculator uses an algebraic method of entry that allows you to enter mathematical sequences in the same order that they are algebraically stated.

You can switch between the 4 digit grouping modes (1 234.5), (1 234,5), (1,234.5) or (1.234,5) by clicking the circle on the left of the display (showing . , ,. or .,) or by typing h Shift G

Keyboard support

There is full keyboard support for each button on the calculator.

  • The numbers and + – × ÷ , . = keys can also be input using the number pad.
  • The keyboard shortcuts for each calculator button can be seen below.
  • Use the Backspace key to correct the last, single input number, point or +/- sign.
  • All ENTER keys represent the '=' button.
  • Hold key: h s means: type h or H and you'll see a 'hold' symbol in the bottom right corner of the display. This changes the next key function: s = sin, but h s = sinh, etc.
  • Copy/Paste from/to display with Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
  • Click on the > or < sign on the top left of the display, double-click the display or use the TAB key to toggle between scientific and simple modes.
  • The keyboard shortcuts shown below are available in both scientific and simple modes.

Standard Function Keys

  • C

    Type Delete to clear the displayed number. Removes an incorrect entry/number from the display when pressed before any function or operation key is pressed.
  • AC

    Type Delete to clear the displayed number and the constant and pending operations.
  • mc

    Type v to clear the memory.
  • m+

    Type b to add the displayed number to the number in memory. If no number is in memory, click to store the displayed number in memory.
  • m-

    Type n to subtract the displayed number from the number in memory. If no number is in memory, click to store the displayed number as a subtraction of zero in memory.
  • mr

    Type m to replace the displayed number with the number in memory. If the button is highlighted, there is a number stored in memory. The highlight around the button also disappears if the stored number calculates zero.
  • +/–

    Type # to change the algebraic sign
  • =

    Click ENTER to complete any function or operation and display the result. If there are any unfinished parenthesis expressions before this key is pressed, they will be completed automatically. For example, 2*(2+3*(2+4))=40 is the same as typing 2*(2+3*(2+4=40

The stored number, the display, all constant and pending operations and the key states remain in memory when you switch between the standard and scientific calculators and even if you turn the calculator "off" by losing focus from the app or pressing the Esc key.

Scientific Function Keys

Click on the > or < sign in the left side of the display, double-click the display or press the TAB key to toggle between scientific and simple modes.

  • 2nd

    Type Space to change the trigonometric buttons (sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, and tanh)
    to their inverse functions (sin-1, cos-1, tan-1, sinh-1, cosh-1, and tanh-1). It also changes ln to log2, and ex to 2x. Click 2nd again to return the buttons to their original functions.
  • (

    Type ( to open a parenthetical expression. Expressions can be nested. Clicking on it lets a white ring appear around the button to let you know that a parenthetical expresion is still active (until all expressions are closed with the closeing bracket or the equation sign).
  • )

    Type ) to close a parenthetical expression. The highlight around the ( bracket key will stay until all expressions are closed with this key or after clicking the equation sign.
  • %

    Type % to calculate percentages, add markups, and subtract discounts. To calculate a percentage, use it with the +, –, × or ÷ keys. For example, to calculate 8% of 500, enter 500 x 8 % (no equation key (=)) which returns 40. To add a markup or subtract a discount, additionaly use the equation (=) key. For example, to compute the total cost of a item with an 8% sales tax, enter 500 + 8 % = which returns 540.
  • 1/x

    Type h 1 to return the reciprocal of a value in decimal format.
  • x2

    Type h 2 to square a value.
  • x3

    Type h 3 to ube a value.
  • yx

    Type ^ or ' or " between values to raise the first value to the power of the second value. For example, to compute 34, enter 3 yx 4 = which returns 81.
  • x!

    Type x to calculate the factorial of a value (only integers).
  • Type h r to calculate the square root of a value.
  • x y

    Type r between values to calculate the x root of y. For example to compute 4√81, enter 81 x√y 4 = which returns 3.
  • log

    Type Shift L to return the log base 10 of a value.
  • sin

    Type s Calculates the sine of a value.
  • sin-1

    Type Shift S to calculate the arc sine of a value. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • cos

    Type c Calculates the cosine of a value.
  • cos-1

    Type Shift C Calculates the arc cosine of a value. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • tan

    Type t Calculates the tangent of a value.
  • tan-1

    Type Shift T to calculate the arc tangent of a value. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • ln

    Type l Calculates the natural log of a value.
  • log2

    Type h l to calculate the log base 2. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • sinh

    Type h s to calculate the hyperbolic sine of a value.
  • sinh-1

    Type h Shift S to calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine of a value. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • cosh

    Type h c to calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a value.
  • cosh-1

    Type h Shift C to calculate the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a value. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • tanh

    Type h t to calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a value.
  • tanh-1

    Type h Shift T to calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a value. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • ex

    Type e after entering a value to raise the constant 'e' (2.718281828459045…) to the power of that value.
  • 2x

    Type Shift X or h e to calculate 2 to the power of the displayed value. For example, 10 2x = 1024. (Available when the 2nd button is clicked.)
  • Rad

    Type d to change the mode to express trigonometric functions in radians.
  • Deg

    Type d to change the mode to express trigonometric functions in degrees.
  • π

    Type p to enter the value of PI or π (3.141592653589793…).
  • EE

    ClickShift E to multiply the currently displayed value by 10 to the power of the next value you enter.
  • Rand

    Type h n or h d to return a random number between 0 and 1.

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